Sleek and Effective Stainless-Steel Drop-In Gas Braai

Sleek and Effective Stainless-Steel Drop-In Gas Braai - Chad-O-Chef Lifestyle Products

Discover the Hob Grill, a dining experience where sleek design, effectiveness, and durability take center stage.

The Original Chad-O-Chef Sizzler Gas Braai

The Original Chad-O-Chef Sizzler Gas Braai - Chad-O-Chef Lifestyle Products

Experience the authentic steakhouse flavour when you braai with the Chad-O-Chef Sizzler Gas Grill. Manufactured in South Africa, our factory is renowned for its world-class processes and service.

New Mobile QUBE Braai

chad o chef qube braai lifestyle image close up sq web

Chad-O-Chef’s new Qube Braai is hitting the South African market by storm with its unique look and feel.  The Qube is a high quality mobile wood and charcoal braai which can be wheeled around to wherever the action is.

The Story of the Hybrid Braai

The Story of the Hybrid Braai - Chad-O-Chef Lifestyle Products

Experience Chad-O-Chef’s original Hybrid Braai, the only braai in South Africa with the ability to cook with a combination of gas, wood, charcoal, and smoker chips, all under 1 grid.